Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Oregon International®

Courtney Caron - 3rd Runner-Up

People's Choice Award

Courtney has always had a heart for children.  Upon graduating from San Joaquin College of Law in 2007, with her Juris Doctor, Courtney accepted a position at Van Sickle & Rowley, LLP in the area of Family Law.  Daily, Courtney is given the opportunity to use her platform Choose Children, through her career, in bettering the lives of her clients.
Prior to attending law school, Courtney attended California State University, Fresno where she earned her Bachelors Degree in Communicative Sciences and Disorders. While attending Fresno State, Courtney was the President of Order of Omega Greek Honors Society and President of Alpha Xi Delta, a National Panhellenic Sorority.

In 1998, through Alpha XI Delta, Courtney was introduced to the Choose Children Program.  As a volunteer for Choose Children, Courtney has the opportunity to volunteer with many children related organization in need, or to assist in placing volunteers with organizations in need. Courtney has served as a volunteer most recently for the Coats for Kids, Girl Scouts of America, St. John’s Shelter, and Special Olympics.
Nationally, Choose Children is promoting “First Read.” Volunteers are provided the book “What Can I Do,” and encouraged to share with a pre-school age classroom. Build –A-Bear has teamed up with Choose Children, providing a reading teddy, to accompany the book.  Slowly, one volunteer at a time, Choose Children Volunteers will increase the literacy rate in America. 
Courtney Caron is the oldest of seven children and the daughter of Frank Caron and Greg and Corinne Jackson.